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Devstream 52

Devstream 52 is now available to watch below. Looks like theres some progress on Retribution coming to consoles and theres also some pretty amazing stuff coming in update 17 and beyond, heres a list of whats coming!


New Ying Yang Warframe confirmed

New Kubrow type similar to Carrier sentinal confirmed

Kubrow Armour Confirmed

Genetic Foundry 2.0 Confirmed: Faster stasis retrieval for Kubrows and automatic stasis before death.

Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch game modes for Conclave

Conclave Kill Streak Energy Boosts hinted in video

Massive Star Chart changes coming including mission crafting,reward roatation and node reduction


Underwater Tileset

Excalibur Buff details and Animations

Parkour 2.0 (Looks amazing, you gotta see this!)

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